
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Egypt (Wadsworth)

No. 148

Sir: The Department refers to your Legation’s despatch No. 415 of June 24, 1930,22 and to previous correspondence regarding the conclusion of a definitive commercial convention between the United States and Egypt, and now encloses a copy of a draft commercial treaty with Rumania23 which it is thought might serve as a model for the proposed convention with Egypt.

After you have studied the provisions of the enclosed draft treaty it is desired that you inform the Department promptly of any additions, deletions or changes which you would consider desirable for the purpose of the convention with Egypt. In this connection you should give special consideration to any provisions which might be inserted in order to preserve to this Government the privileges and benefits which it has acquired in Egypt under treaty, custom and usage. To this end you may consider it desirable to consult discreetly with your colleagues of the diplomatic corps with a view to determining the attitude of their Governments with respect to any capitulatory aspects of the treaties of commerce and navigation to be negotiated with the Government of Egypt.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
W. R. Castle, Jr.