611.8331/38: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Gunther)
Washington, May 1, 1930—6
32. Your 49, April 25, 5 p.m.
- (1)
- Your paragraphs 1 and 6. Every effort should be made by you to obtain Egyptian acceptance of the provision whereby the agreement would remain in force pending the conclusion of a definitive treaty. However, if, after full discussion of the matter with the Egyptian authorities, you are satisfied that the provision in question is definitely not acceptable, you may agree to the alternative which was indicated in the last sentence of paragraph 3, Department’s 29, April 21, noon, including the words “90 days”.
- (2)
- Your paragraph 4. The Department notes the considerations mentioned by you and appreciates their importance, but, nevertheless, it is deemed necessary that there be included in the modus vivendi the provision whereby the agreement would lapse in case either party should be prevented by the future action of its legislature from the carrying out of its terms.
- (3)
- Your paragraph 2. All reference to the ratification of the agreement may be omitted.
- (4)
- Your paragraph 3. The Department perceives no necessity to include the word “temporarily,” but it may be included if the Egyptian Government should insist.
- (5)
- Your despatch No. 354 of April 5.17 The Department concurs in the suggestion by you that reference should be made, at the beginning of the agreement, to your note dated February 16 to the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs (a copy of which you enclosed with your despatch No. 338 of February 2117).
- (6)
- In the first paragraph of the Egyptian draft (submitted with the note dated March 12 from the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs18) substitute “or” for “and” in the phrase “of the soil and of industry”.