839.00 Elections/13

The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Curtis) to the Secretary of State

No. 91

Sir: Referring to my telegrams Nos. 64 and 65 of 10 A.M. and 8 P.M. yesterday13 and to previous reports concerning political conditions in the Dominican Republic, I have the honor to confirm my report that there were no disorders during the day of the elections, but that all is by no means quiet here.

The Confederation announces that 223,851 votes were, according to early reports, cast in favor of General Rafael Leonidas Trujillo for President of the Republic and of Rafael Estrella Ureña for Vice President. As the number given greatly exceeds the total number of voters in the country, further comment on the fairness of the elections is hardly necessary; however, there is every reason to believe that, as anticipated by the Legation, the intimidation of the followers of the Opposition had already been so great prior to the day of the elections that none was needed, and it would seem that none was practised, on the day of the elections, in order to keep them away from the polls.

As reported in my telegram No. 63 of May 15—10 A.M.,14 the leaders of the Alianza announced that that political organization would not go to the polls. …

I have [etc.]

C. B. Curtis
  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.