
The Chargé in Cuba (Reed) to the Secretary of State

No. 298

Sir: Confirming the Ambassador’s telegram No. 99 of July 16, 5 p.m.,5 I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of President Machado’s message to Congress5 asking approval of a Law [Page 652] to permit the Unión Nacionalista to participate as a political party in the November elections, as well as to authorize the Government to carry out the decennial census prior to the elections of 1932, and recommending that Congress study the matter of reforming the existing electoral laws.

The President furnished the Ambassador a copy of this message on the day preceding the latter’s departure. It has not yet been made public and the project of law mentioned therein is apparently not yet available. It appears likely that the President is waiting until the draft of the law has been completed before giving out the text of his message.

It will be noted that the contents of this message fall somewhat short of what the President told the Ambassador were his intentions (see Embassy’s telegram No. 95, July 10, 3 p.m. and despatch No. 291 of July 15). As far as the Embassy has been able to ascertain, the President was willing to go ahead with the entire program which he outlined to the Ambassador, but was dissuaded by Mr. Clemente Vasquéz Bello who felt that any re-organization of the Liberal Party, of which he is President, would at the present time be extremely bad political tactics.

I have [etc.]

Edward L. Reed
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.