811.7393C73/46: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)
Washington, December 3, 1930—5
416. Transmit to Minister: Legation’s 1002, November 25, 10 p.m.
- 1.
- Goldhammer of Commercial Pacific Cable Company called at Department December 3 and discussed this question on basis of communications to company from its representative, Deegan, in China. Company will instruct Deegan to call on the Minister and describe arrangement which Commercial Cable has with the French Government and which Commercial Pacific apparently regards as working satisfactorily.
- 2.
- Department feels that it would be neither practicable nor advisable to object to Chinese Government control of cable in Chinese waters and on Chinese territory unless there should be discrimination against American company. The Minister should, however, confer with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and point out that the American Government would be gratified if the Chinese Government, with a view to encouraging all communications enterprises, would extend treatment not less liberal than that practiced by the American Government, namely, extending to cable companies the privilege of conducting relations freely with the public. If considered opportune, possibility of treatment similar to that accorded by France referred to above might be suggested.