
The Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (C. T. Wang) to the American Minister in China (Johnson)97

No. L–197

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your formal note (No. 180) of October 28, 1930, wherein you refer to Minister MacMurray’s note of October 31, 1929, concerning the wireless contract of the Federal Telegraph Company of Delaware, and request an early reply for transmission to those concerned.

It appears from the records of the case that Minister MacMurray’s note has been referred for consideration to the Ministry of Communications, which has replied as follows:

“Almost ten years have elapsed since the signing of this contract. In this period development and progress in the radio industry have been marvellously rapid and no comparison exists between conditions now and then. Since the radio station stipulated in the contract has not been constructed, the type specified, which is the arc-type, is altogether unsuitable for present use. Moreover, the Japanese Minister has been notified by this Government of the cancellation of the Japanese Mitsui wireless contract.

“The continued existence of the Federal contract cannot, in the light of all present conditions, be permitted, and I have the honor to request that the American Minister be so informed.”

Having received the foregoing, I have the honor, Mr. Minister, to make this formal reply for your information.

Wang Cheng-t’ing
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in China in his despatch No. 672, December 15, 1930; received January 15, 1931.