893.918/53: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Jenkins) to the Secretary of State

Referring to my telegram of February 28, 1 p.m., concerning Civil Governor’s threat to expel American newspaper correspondent, Lyon, from Canton, chief of the Foreign Affairs section of the municipality informs me verbally that local authorities are satisfied with Lyon’s expression of regret and promise to endeavor in the future to avoid writing news items likely to offend the local government.

I have searched the files in this Consulate General for information regarding Abend’s case,74 but can find nothing except a brief reference75 in the Legation’s monthly review of July 15, 1929. I assume the Legation replied to note of June 17 from Minister of Foreign Affairs at Nanking,76 and if so would suggest that the text thereof be furnished this and other consulates for possible future use. In the meantime the fact should not be overlooked that the Cantonese authorities have threatened to go further than Nanking in that Minister of Foreign Affairs asked our Government to expel Abend, whereas the Civil Governor of Kwangtung threatened to take direct action against Lyon.

Department and Legation informed.

  1. Hallett Abend, New York Times representative in China.
  2. This reference not printed.
  3. Foreign Relations, 1929, vol. ii, p. 763.