793.003/481: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)

440. Legation’s 1054, December 17, 7 p.m., and 1058, December 18, 6 p.m.

Department assumes that the proposals consisting of 10 articles and 7 annexes handed to the French Minister are similar to those presented to the Department on December 7 and to Minister Johnson on December 10.
Chinese Legation presented to the Department today a memorandum recalling the desire of the Chinese Government to abolish extraterritoriality; stating that the American proposals of October 28 were “unacceptable as they stand”; and expressing the hope “that a satisfactory solution of the question will be reached by the end of February”. The last paragraph of the memorandum concludes: “The Chinese Government still believes that it is possible to settle once for all the question of abolition by negotiation and that it will not be necessary for China to take a different course of action toward that end.”
You may inform French and British Ministers.
Inform Minister Johnson.