711.429/259a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Canada (Riggs)

40. Your despatch No. 1343, of March 22, last. Please address a note reading as follows to Canadian Government:

“I have the honor to refer to your note of March 22 last in which you state that the Canadian Government is of the opinion that the present would be an opportune time to conclude with the United States a treaty amending the Convention of June 6, 1924, to provide on a reciprocal basis for the denial of clearance of shipments of merchandise by water, air or land from either country to the other when its importation is prohibited in the country of destination and for such further reciprocal measures for the suppression of smuggling as may be feasible.

In response, it gives me pleasure to inform you, on instructions from my Government, that the United States is prepared to conclude such a treaty at an early date. My Government hopes to be able to submit a draft of such a treaty within a few days for your consideration.”

Please deliver this note immediately and inform the Prime Minister that we have no objection to his making the note public.
