868.51 Public Works/46: Telegram
The Minister in Greece (Skinner) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:45 p.m.]
28. This afternoon, when I called on the Prime Minister to take leave, Mr. Venizelos asked me to cable the Department on his behalf a request that the Department endeavor to overcome the British Government’s objections to the Seligman loan’s flotation through the International Financial Commission. Mr. Venizelos understands that anything the Department has thus far done has been on behalf of Seligman and Company, and the Prime Minister wishes to make it clear his Government is itself asking our strong support. While it is not impossible to rearrange the loan contract, such action would mean a loss of time and the restatement of terms, while the bonds might themselves have to be sold on a lower level than otherwise to the public, thereby placing an unnecessary financial burden upon the Greek people.