817.452/3: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt)
7. Your thirteen January 7, 3 P.M. and 16 January 9, 1 P.M. The Department regrets that such a law should have been passed and wishes you to make it plain to all concerned that this was not done at the instigation of the Department or with its approval. The Department sees no reason why American military or naval officers should take precedence over chiefs of mission either ministers or chargés d’affaires (the Department presumes that your telegram referred to the British and Italian and other chargés d’affaires and not charge des affaires as transmitted). The Department notes that you have endeavored on such occasions as Mr. Hoover’s visitand the inauguration to avoid any display which might give an impression of American military domination and feels very strongly that this same policy should be followed at all times.