The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Nicaragua (Hanna)
Sir: The Department refers to the Legation’s despatch, No. 1189 of October 11, 1929, concerning the reported removal of the municipal governments of several, towns in the Department of Chontales and their replacement by Juntas Locales made up of members of the Liberal party.
The Department fears that this practice, if continued, might, in view of the nature and intensity of political partisanship in Nicaragua, provoke difficulties for President Moncada’s administration. You are accordingly authorized, if in your opinion such action appears advisable and upon verification of the accuracy of the report, to discuss this subject orally and informally with President Moncada, stating to him that you have reason to believe that the Department would view with much regret the initiation of a policy which might be interpreted by his opponents as constituting unwarranted interference in the normal political and administrative activities of the Republic.
I am [etc.]