
The Chargé in Nicaragua (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

No. 1021

Sir: With reference to the Legation’s despatch No. 961 of April 25, 1929, I have the honor to inform the Department that the Court of Appeals of Granada has ordered the liberty of Gabry Rivas and the other persons involved in the assault on the International Club on the ground that the proceedings against the accused were not properly conducted by the Judge of the Criminal Court in Managua. A translation of the important paragraphs of the Court’s decision is enclosed.36 It would appear from the decision that the Judge of the Criminal Court in Managua is free to reopen the case if he so desires.

Gabry Rivas was released from the penitentiary on June 3. The other persons involved were already at liberty under bail.

Mr. Rivas called at the Legation yesterday and expressed the intention of leaving Nicaragua and traveling to California. He stated that it would probably be some time, however, before he could carry out this intention since he would be required to remain here until his case is completely closed.

I have [etc.]

Matthew E. Hanna
  1. Not printed.