The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt)
Sir: Supplementing the Department’s telegram No. 53 of April 13, 6 p.m., and with reference to the Legation’s telegram in reply, No. 104 dated April 15, 11 a.m., concerning aerial military operations on the Honduran-Nicaraguan frontier, there is transmitted herewith a copy of despatch No. 856, dated April 16, 1929,16 together with its enclosures, that has been received from the American Legation at Tegucigalpa on this subject.
In the Legation’s telegram above cited it is stated that at the conference at Las Manos on April 6 “there was neither complaint nor discussion of past or further invasion of Honduran territory”. In the report to the President of Honduras made by the Subsecretary of the Interior, Señor José Bias Henríquez, as transcribed in the enclosure to the accompanying despatch, there is quoted the text of an agreement said to have been signed at the conference at Las Manos by the representatives of Honduras, of Nicaragua, and of the United States Marine Forces, Article 1 of which states that the Nicaraguan and Marine forces will from that date onward cease the pursuit of Sandinistas on the Honduran frontier with American airplanes in view of the damage caused within Honduran territory by such operations.
You are requested to obtain from the Brigade Commander and forward to the Department a full report of this conference and of the agreement entered into with the Honduran representatives.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩