The Secretary of State to President Hoover
My Dear Mr. President: I transmit herewith for your signature, a Presidential Proclamation91 lifting the embargo which has been in force since January 7, 1924, on the shipment of arms to Mexico. This action is taken pursuant to a request from the Mexican Government. Both Ambassador Morrow and I approve of the proposed course of action. The Presidential election in Mexico takes place in November and the new President will presumably be inducted into office on February 5, 1930. If our action is delayed until the election or thereafter, it would undoubtedly be susceptible to mis-interpretation. I therefore recommend that the Proclamation be issued without delay.
I also transmit for your approval a release92 which I propose to issue to the press as soon as the signed Proclamation is returned by you.
I enclose for your reference a copy of President Coolidge’s Proclamation of January 7, 192493 which it is proposed now to revoke. I also transmit herewith a copy of President Wilson’s Proclamation of February 3, 191494 which lifted the embargo imposed during President Taft’s administration.95
I am [etc.]
- Same as signed proclamation, p. 432.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1924, vol. ii, p. 428.↩
- Ibid., 1914, p. 447.↩
- Proclamation of March 14, 1912, ibid., 1912, p. 745.↩