882.124A/11: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Wharton)
50. Your 65, November 21, 9 p.m.
(a) The Department has consulted with the United States Public Health Service and finds the Liberian modifications acceptable with the single exception of the reduction of the amount of the fund mentioned in Article 3 from $15,000 to $12,000. Public Health Service [Page 328] advises that $15,000 represents a minimum estimate of the amount needed and doubts whether substantial results can be reasonably expected from a smaller expenditure. You should so advise the Liberian Government making appropriate reference to the $18,000 provision in the proposed budget. If, however, you become convinced that the Liberian Government will not commit itself definitely at this time to the larger sum, you are then authorized to suggest that Article 3 be framed to read as follows:
“A fund of $12,000 shall be made immediately available to him for preliminary surveys and studies and for instituting such corrective sanitary measures as he may deem advisable in keeping with the provision of Article 1 hereof. An additional amount of $3,000 shall be provided later if Chief Medical Adviser should find the sum of $12,000 insufficient for these purposes and should so certify to the Liberian Government. This fund shall be operated upon solely by the Chief Medical Adviser who shall account for his expenditures thereunder to the Treasury Department in conformity with the Treasury laws and regulations of Liberia.”
You should report by telegraph as soon as agreement on this point has been reached so that Dr. Smith may be instructed to proceed to Monrovia without further delay.
(b) Department does not feel that court authority need be expressly stipulated in the agreement but will naturally expect the Liberian Government and its law officers to give their active support to the Chief Medical Adviser in any court actions which may arise out of his activities, and you may so advise the Government informally.
(c) You may advise the Liberian Government that the offer of the Advisory Committee is made subject only to the condition that its contribution of $7500 be placed completely at the disposal of the Chief Medical Adviser for use in yellow fever prevention work.