882.5048/152a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Wharton)
53. Please inform the Liberian Government that the President of the United States has nominated Dr. Charles S. Johnson as the American commissioner to serve on the International Commission, which is to be appointed by the President of the Republic of Liberia. The Department will be pleased to learn as soon as possible whether or not Dr. Johnson is acceptable to the Liberian Government, the names of the other two Commissioners whom the Government of Liberia will appoint, when it is expected the Commission will meet and other collateral information. Naturally no announcement is being made here at the present time of Dr. Johnson’s nomination.
The following brief biographic data concerning Dr. Johnson is submitted:
Dr. Charles S. Johnson, American negro, born July 24, 1893, graduate of Virginia Union and Chicago Universities; Doctor of Literature degree from Virginia Union University; outstanding investigator; made studies of the negro in Chicago in connection with Chicago Commission on Race Relations and Urban League, also in many other American cities; director of Department of Social Science at Fisk University; compiler of studies of the negro National Research Council; member of Advisory Committee on Interracial Relations of the Social Service Research Council.
[Paraphrase.] You will emphasize with discretion the importance of having the Department notified as soon as possible of the names of the full Inquiry Commission, so that the necessary press announcement may be made. [End paraphrase.]