882.5048/82: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

114. Following telegram received from Legation at Monrovia:

[Here follows text of telegram No. 50, September 21, 1929, noon, printed supra.]

[Paraphrase.] From your 88, September 20, 3 p.m., the Department has assumed that the Liberian Government’s request for the League to appoint a Commission member is being acted upon.

You may, in informally conversing with Drummond, point out that, under the terms of reference issued by the Liberian Government, paragraph (d), Liberia has demanded an inquiry into compulsory labor for public purposes as well as private. Since this affects primarily Liberia, there should seem to be no objection to the League granting the request of Liberia, one of its members.

Replying to your 81, September 14, noon, the Department has been unable to select definitely the American Commission member, but as soon as he is chosen his name and biographic sketch will be communicated to you for your information. [End paraphrase.]
