882.5048/65: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Wharton)
33. Your 41, August 22, 9 p.m., and 42, August 22, 10 p.m. Department considers that Barclay’s suggestion as to wording of paragraph D reported in your 41 meets the suggestion contained in Department’s 32, August 16, 2 p.m.
[Page 306]If Liberian Government feels it desirable to set a time limit on the activities of the Commission there would seem to be no objection to adding to “2 months” an additional 60 days.
[Paraphrase.] Should this period not prove sufficient for the purposes of the investigation, at the proper time a further extension will be taken up in further representations. [End paraphrase.]
This should complete the terms of reference and the Department hopes to learn at an early date that the Liberian Government has published them in the form determined by your July 24, noon, Department’s 29, August 3, noon, your 41, August 22, 9 p.m. and the present instruction.
It is assumed that the Liberian Government will at the same time make appropriate request for the recommendation of members of the Commission of this Government and of the League of Nations.
You may also observe informally and verbally in your discretion that the Liberian Government need have no apprehensions as to the type of man whom this Government will recommend for the Commission as this Government will spare no effort to secure the services of an unprejudiced investigator of sound and sympathetic judgment.