882.5048/40: Telegram
The Third Secretary of Legation in Liberia
to the Secretary of
Monrovia, July 4, 1929—10
[Received July 5—12:23 a.m.]
30. Referring to the Legation’s No. 25, June 28, 8 a.m. The following
note received from Secretary of State yesterday afternoon dated the 2d
- “[1] I am authorized in behalf of my Government to advise
you of their acceptance of the suggestion put forth in your
note dated June 26 with reference to the composition of a
Commission to be set up by the Government of Liberia to
examine the question of slavery in Liberia.
- 2. The procedure will be as follows: As soon as the terms
of reference under which the Commission will conduct the
investigation have been settled they will be communicated to
you and this Government will appreciate any observations or
suggestions your Government will be good enough to make
- 3. My Government will thereafter request the Government of
the United States of America and the Secretariat of the
League of Nations to recommend for appointment on the
Commission one representative each, whose qualifications it
is, of course, expected by the Liberian Government, will
fulfill the conditions enumerated in my note of June 11,
current.12a Liberian member also
will be appointed by the Liberian Government.
- 4. May I be permitted to reiterate the fact that my
Government fully appreciate that your Government in bringing
this matter to the attention of the Government of Liberia
are inspired by the most friendly and disinterested