
The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador (Claudel)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge your note of July 22, 1929, with reference to your previous note of May 3 and my reply thereto of July 1, concerning the question of the exchange of Series “C” bonds of the Haitian Government for the old bonds of the National Railway of Haiti. I note Your Excellency’s fear that the decision of the Financial Adviser that he lacks authority under the loan contract to accept more Railway bonds for exchange, if maintained, will result [Page 222] in an unfair discrimination against the holders of the old National Railway bonds.

The contents of your note are being referred to the American Legation at Port au Prince with the request that this matter be called to the attention of the Financial Adviser in order that a further effort may be made to effect a settlement with the holders of the old National Railway bonds who did not deposit their bonds for exchange.

Accept [etc.]

[File copy not signed]