838.5045/28: Telegram
The High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:50 p.m.]
115. All quiet. Commanding officer marines at Cape Haitien, garde department commander at Cape Haitien and brigade commander [Page 203] desire 50 more marines at Cape Haitien for stabilizing effect and to permit operations of garde in the country if necessity requires.
After obtaining my own information regarding conditions in the north outside Cape Haitien and a careful estimate of the situation, I do not feel that an increase of the force of marines at Cape Haitien is now necessary.
The garde in the North is reported as being absolutely loyal and every indication is that the country in the North is quiet. The force at Cape Haitien is sufficient to control that city. I have therefore decided not to reenf orce the marines at that port. The garde however will be reenforced by 25 men taken from other posts.