714.1515/959: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:40 p.m.]
134. Referring to paragraph four of Legation’s telegram of October 28, 7 p.m. I am orally urging that the Government substitute for its acceptance of the invitation a note omitting the reservation “within the international treaties in force.”
Since that phrase is very strongly insisted upon by a select group with whom the President had consulted I suggested as a last resort that in lieu of using the phrase in the acceptance of the invitation the Government could instruct its delegate in that sense.
It is extremely doubtful that the change can be effected but I shall report tonight.
My calculation is that such an instruction need not prevent the delegate from unofficially discussing a tribunal other than the one to which Honduras has so strongly objected and he could eventually recommend that the Guatemalan Government modify the instruction.