Press Release Issued by the Department of State, May 18, 1929
In discussing the settlement of the Tacna-Arica problem in his press conference today, Secretary Stimson said:
“This is the solution of a forty-five year old problem which has been the only serious source of discontent in South America. Mr. Kellogg’s administration is entitled to very great credit for bringing it about. Through many vicissitudes he brought the matter along by the kindly exercise of good offices to a point where both countries have directly settled the problem. It was through Mr. Kellogg’s good work that these countries, which for many years had had no diplomatic relations, were induced to appoint, respectively, ambassadors to the other country, and since that was done they have been able to get together in normal and easy communication, and this settlement has followed.
I was in a position to observe Mr. Kellogg’s work and I know how hard and earnestly he worked to bring that about. He deserves the greatest credit.
President Hoover himself also shared in the responsibility and the credit for bringing about the settlement, by having taken steps on his visit to Peru and Chile, last December, to smooth out and settle certain difficulties which had arisen at that time.”