723.2515/3384: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Moore) to the Secretary of State


104. My 103.42

“No. 28. Lima, May 16, 1929.

“Excellency: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have received your important communication No. 88 dated yesterday in which you were good enough to inform me that, following instructions from your Government, you are pleased to transmit to the President of Peru certain stipulations set forth in the enclosure, which the President of the United States of America, not in his capacity as Arbitrator, but in the exercise of good offices, and at the request of both parties, proposes to the Governments of Peru and Chile, as the final bases of a solution of the problem of Tacna-Arica.

“Your Excellency states that in presenting this proposal to my Government, you have been instructed by the Secretary of State of the United States of America to inform me that, in making it, the President of the United States of America was guided by agreements reached directly between Chile and Peru on questions involved between them, in the solution of the problem of Tacna-Arica.

“Your Excellency adds that nevertheless the proposal is not to be interpreted as indicating that either the President or the Government of the United States of America expresses an opinion or view or makes a suggestion in any way whatever regarding any future disposition which either of the parties may make of that portion of the territory in dispute which will remain in its possession should the proposal enclosed in your note be accepted by the Governments of Peru and Chile.

“Your Excellency stated that you were charged by your Government to inform me that the terms of the said proposal would not be made public by the President of the United States of America until the replies of Peru and Chile had been received and therefore you requested that no publicity be given to this matter for the present.

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“In reply I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that immediately upon receipt of your important note I hastened to bring it to the attention of the President of the Republic, Senor Augusto B. Leguia, who has instructed me to inform Your Excellency and, through you, the President of the United States of America, that the Government of Peru accepts each and every one of the bases proposed by the President of the United States of America, for a final settlement of the question of Tacna-Arica and that, with the acceptance of them by both parties, it considers this question absolutely and finally settled.

“I comply likewise with instructions from the President in asking Your Excellency to be so good as to express to the President of the United States of America the most cordial thanks for the eminent service which he has rendered, contributing at the opportune moment, with his high authority as friendly mediator in the solution of the grave international conflict whose termination is of importance not only to the countries directly concerned in the arrangement but also to the peace of the continent.

“It is likewise a pleasure for me to express to Your Excellency the thanks of the President of the Republic, Don Augusto B. Leguia, and of his Government, to your good self for the notable participation which you have had in the termination of this most important matter.

“In this historic moment which redounds so to the prestige not only of Peru and Chile but of America, I reiterate to you, Mr. Ambassador, the sentiments of my highest and most distinguished consideration. (Signed) Pedro José Rada y Gamio.43

  1. Undated, received May 16, 2:37 p.m.; it reads: “Peru’s answer handed to me at 2:10 this afternoon, text follows.” (723.2515/3383)
  2. Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs.