723.2515/3371: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Moore) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:05 p.m.]
94. Your telegram Number 53, May 8, 6 p.m. President Leguia stated to me this morning that the elimination from the first paragraph of the preamble of the following “and having also been informed of the decision of both governments to submit to him the only difficulty that has arisen with reference to the respective viewpoints relating to the projected port of Las Yaradas” takes the heart out of the whole agreement. This was the one thing that was essential to him in order to get the proposition past his people.
He hopes that you and President Hoover will permit this clause to remain. Otherwise it will be very difficult for him and he does not know what the real outcome may be as it will be necessary to consult many interests and practically go over all the ground covered in the last few weeks before he can come to a decision.
The President further stated that before he finally agreed to any of these propositions with Chile he understood that President Hoover would accept the compromise reached between Chile and Peru and use it as his suggestion of settlement to them.
So far as the addition of the words “in the exercise of informal and unofficial good offices” in the second paragraph of the amended preamble is concerned, there is no serious objection on the part of President Leguia and he believes that the addition of these words will meet the objection to retaining the clause he desires.
Personally, I know that the President of Peru is in a difficult position and his one and sole object in my opinion is to get something which will meet with the approval and endorsement of the majority of his people.
President Leguia is anxious to learn of your reaction to this as soon as possible. The President told me that he had not received either from his own Ambassador in Washington or from Ambassador Figueroa the change suggested by the Department of State on Friday.