723.2515/3312: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Moore)


31. I have been informed that the Chilean Foreign Minister telegraphed to the Chilean Ambassador in Peru the following declaration with instructions to obtain the approval of President Leguia to its publication or, failing this, to inquire what modifications in the declaration would make it acceptable to Peru. The declaration is as follows:

[Here follows quoted portion of telegram No. 46, March 22, 6 p.m., from the Ambassador in Chile, printed supra.]

I do not desire you to urge this particular declaration on President Leguia until I know more or less of his views. He might think we are crowding him too hard. Should he favor it, or should he favor it with modification, which may be acceptable to Chile, I shall, of course, welcome the issuance of such a statement before I go out of office, and I have no doubt that the President would willingly make this, or any other agreement between Chile and Peru, as a proposal to both.
