723.2515/3297: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Moore) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 16—3:50 a.m.]
33. Your 24, March 14, 2 p.m.12 Today I saw President Leguia and used every argument I could think of to have him accept your proposition but he was adamant. As nearly as I can quote him, he spoke as follows:
It is impossible. Evidently Secretary Kellogg does not fully appreciate our proposition. Peru must have a port for Tacna, and if [Page 746] that is refused, then no settlement is possible. All other questions are of minor importance to this one. I have suggested the location of a port which I know can be constructed for $3,500,000 because the Snare Corporation has agreed to take its chances on the dredging. Chile has offered two sites which Peru’s engineers state are impracticable—almost impossible. They cannot be constructed at anywhere near the cost of the port [which I have?] suggested. I am willing, however, to send the American engineers to make an investigation of these two sites, and if they agree that a suitable port can be constructed at either place, and if Chile will pay for the port and any necessary railroad connections to it, I am willing to accept the proposition. However, if and when Peru comes to an agreement with Chile and all the details are arranged satisfactory to both countries, I intend to have that agreement sent to President Hoover, and to request President Hoover to send it to Peru and Chile as a suggested settlement coming from him. Otherwise I fear the reaction of our people. We must have the prestige of the United States and of President Hoover behind any settlement. I think that Chile entertains the same opinion.
I told President Leguia that I had no authority to say, or even to intimate, what President Hoover would do under these circumstances, and all that I could say was that President Hoover wished to be as helpful as possible to both Peru and Chile.
Finally, after much urging, President Leguia replied that he would not object to discussing the proposal which you suggested in your 24, March 14, 2 p.m., with the Chilean Ambassador, if the latter brought up the subject.