810.79611 Pan American Airways, Inc./760
The Consul at Kingston (Olivares) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 26.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s telegram dated 6 A.M. [10 a.m.] November 19, 1929, directing me to request the Governor of Jamaica to grant temporary permission to the Pan-American Airways, Incorporated, to make a survey flight to Jamaica from Cuba within three weeks and to land, refuel, make minor repairs and deliver United States Mail if awarded a contract by the United States Post Office Department, and to my telegram dated 6 P.M. November 26, 1929,52 and to my despatch No. 799, dated November 27, 1929,52 advising that the Governor was prepared to issue a special and temporary authorization to the Pan-American Airways, Incorporated, to land sea-planes in the water around the Island, there being no suitable landing place on shore for air-planes.
I now have the honor to report that I have received a letter dated the 16th December from the Colonial Secretary of Jamaica, a copy of which is respectfully transmitted herewith,52 enclosing a special and temporary authorization, dated December 10, 1929, granted to the Pan American Airways, Incorporated, of the United States, permitting the flight within the limits of the Island of Jamaica of seaplanes, the property of the said Pan-American Airways, Incorporated, provided that such planes shall alight only in the sea around the coast [Page 612] of Jamaica, and that the said authorization shall expire on the 15th day of January, 1930.
I take pleasure in transmitting, herewith, the original of the special authorization herein referred to.53
I have [etc.]