810.79611 Pan American Airways, Inc./638
The Minister in Costa Rica (Davis) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 10.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy and translation of an agreement signed by the local representative of the Pan American Airways, Incorporated, and the Director of Posts of Costa Rica,34 setting forth the conditions under which air mail service is to be inaugurated, and establishing postal rates for this service. This agreement supplements the contract of the Pan American Airways, Incorporated, which was recently approved by the Costa Rican Congress.
It will be noted that the agreement is entered into upon the condition that the Company may request an interpretation of Article 17 of the Contract.
Under this agreement, the Pan American Airways, Incorporated, can begin operations immediately and will enjoy all the rights granted by the contract until such time as the Company may find it advisable to request an interpretation of Article 17, to which it has raised some objections.
I have [etc.]
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