810.79611 Pan American Airways, Inc./581: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

125. President yesterday signed decree authorizing Chilean Post Office to sign with the Pan American-Grace Airways contract, necessary under Chilean law as a supplement to direct arrangement between two post offices, which includes provisions for carrying mail to intermediate countries. To the main decree transmitted with my despatch No. 214, July 25th,29 I have made the objections summarized [Page 575] in my telegram of July 19 [18], 5 p.m., [No.] 114, and present discussions should result in revised decree. However it can now be said that the service is successfully inaugurated and its permanency depends only on whether the company accepts finally the provision which will be embodied in the revised decree. The way would now appear to be open to proceed with the Buenos Aires extension referred to in the Department’s No. 61, May 31, and other cables.

  1. Not printed.