810.79611 Pan American Airways, Inc./384

The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State

No. 3130

Sir: Continuing the subject of Embassy’s despatch No. 3126, of March 13 last, I have the honor to report that Mr. John D. Summers, Second Vice President of the Pan American Airways Incorporated, is now in this city in conference with Dr. Cesar Pereira de Sousa, the local representative.

Permission to operate throughout Brazil which these gentlemen have requested will probably be granted as the Minister of Communications is well disposed to the Pan American Company. The Department’s intimation that that organization was “well and favorably known” to the United States Government expressed through the Embassy has impressed the Minister and has quickened his interest in the Company’s pretensions.

It is announced that the Tri-Motor Safety Airways Inc. also will seek to obtain a concession from Brazil for the operation of airplanes within the Republic. Lieutenant O’Neill, who visited this and adjacent countries last year, will arrive shortly. Mr. O’Neill addressed a telegram to the Commercial Attaché recently requesting his assistance in furthering his company’s interests, a request to which due attention will be given.

I have [etc.]

Edwin V. Morgan