
The British Ambassador (Howard) to the Secretary of State

No. 239

Sir: I have the honour to state that the question has arisen of the grant of American Air Transport licenses for British pilots in this country. I am informed that the United States Air Commerce Regulations (Section 64) state that:

“All applicants for pilots licenses must be of good moral character. The minimum age requirements are 16 years for private pilots and 18 years for industrial pilots. Private pilots may be citizens of any country. Industrial and transport pilots must be citizens of the United States or of a foreign country which grants reciprocal piloting privileges to citizens of the United States on equal terms and conditions with citizens of such foreign country.”

At the same time I beg leave to inform you that citizens of the United States are eligible in Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the issue of licenses:

as private pilots, and
as public transport pilots,

provided they attain the standards laid down in Section VIII of the Air Navigation directions of 1926, as amended by the Air Navigation directions of 1928. Copies of these documents are transmitted herewith for your information.1

I also transmit herewith copy of a letter dated December 22nd last, which was addressed to the Air Attaché to this Embassy by the United States Director of Aeronautics.1 It will be observed from Mr. Young’s letter that the Department of Commerce would be pleased to arrange for the issue of licenses to British subjects in the United States, and vice versa, but that they consider that an official exchange of correspondence through diplomatic channels is necessary first. I therefore have the honour to state officially that the above-mentioned facilities are granted to United States pilots in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and I shall be glad to be informed [Page 519] at your convenience whether British subjects are reciprocally eligible to receive transport licenses in the United States.

I have [etc.]

(For the Ambassador)
H. G. Chilton
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.