
The Minister in Sweden (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

No. 458

Sir: I have the honor to report that the proposals looking to the conclusion of a treaty to carry out the provision of the Joint Resolution of Congress, approved by the President May 28, 1928, and for the adoption of an agreement concerning the termination of dual nationality have, in accordance with the directions contained in the Department’s instruction No. 86, of December 1, 1928,62 been duly presented to the Minister for Foreign Affairs who has taken the matter under consideration and has promised to let me have a reply as soon as possible.63

I have [etc.]

Leland Harrison
  1. See instruction No. 167, December 1, 1928, to the Ambassador in Belgium, Foreign Relations, 1928, vol. i, p. 497.
  2. A treaty between the United States and Sweden regarding military service was signed on January 31, 1933; Department of State Treaty Series No. 890.