711.574/6a supp.

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Norway (Swenson)

No. 462

Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction No. 442, of December 1, 1928,40 in regard to the desired negotiation of a treaty between [Page 472] the United States and Norway providing that persons born in the United States of Norwegian parentage, and naturalized American citizens, shall not be held liable for military service or any other act of allegiance during a stay in the territory subject to the jurisdiction of the Norwegian Government while citizens of the United States of America under the laws thereof, to which instruction no answer appears to have been received, I have to request a reply thereto as soon as circumstances will permit.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
W. R. Castile, Jr.
  1. See instruction No. 167, December 1, 1928, to the Ambassador in Belgium, Foreign Relations, 1928, vol. i, p. 497.