711.744/21: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bulgaria (Kodding)
5. Your telegram No. 7 April 24. Taxes mentioned, having accrued prior to naturalization and not being in lieu of military service, do not violate treaty.
[In despatch No. 1621, March 22, 1930, The Chargé in Bulgaria reported that the Bulgarian Foreign Office had assented to an arrangement whereby in the future the notes addressed to it by the American Legation requesting liberation of American citizens from Bulgarian personal taxes would set forth (1) the type of taxes demanded, (2) the date of emigration to the United States in the case of military taxation demands, and (3) the date of naturalization in other cases; also that the Foreign Office, for its part, would simply reply that the naturalized citizen in question had been removed from the list of Bulgarian taxpayers. (711.744/23)]