500.C114/825a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)
84. You should see Sir Eric Drummond and discuss the matter in accordance with the following Aide Memoire and leave a copy with him:
“The Minister of the United States to Switzerland has been instructed to acknowledge in person the courtesy of the Secretary-General of the League of Nations in forwarding his informal note of May 2, 1929, and his formal note from Madrid dated June 12, 1929, the latter enclosing the Council’s resolution of June 12, 1929, League Document C.142.M.52.1929.V, containing the texts of the report of the Committee of Jurists adopted at their session in Geneva March 11 to March 19, 1929, and the annexed draft protocol as mentioned in the resolution regarding the question of American accession to the protocol of organization of the statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
The Minister has been instructed at the same time to inform the Secretary General that after careful examination the Secretary of State considers that the said draft protocol would effectively meet the objections represented in the reservations of the United States Senate and would constitute a satisfactory basis for the adherence of the United States to the protocol and statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice dated December 16, 1920, and that after the draft protocol has been accepted by the states signatory to the protocol of signature and the statute of the Permanent Court, he will request the President of the United States for the requisite authority to sign and will recommend that it be submitted to the Senate for its consent to ratification.”