367.1164 Brusa School Trial/15: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (Grew)
Washington, February 14,
1928—5 p.m.
15. Reference your 18, February 12, 3 p.m. You may use the following discreetly, in case of need:
Although refraining carefully from making official representations concerning the Brusa school incident, the Department has brought to the attention of the Turkish Embassy the following considerations:
- (1)
- This incident furnishes the best kind of ammunition to Turkey’s opponents in this country.
- (2)
- Trying in a Turkish court on a charge of carrying on Christian propaganda of three American women will do much to convince the American public of Turkey’s still being fanatically Moslem.
- (3)
- This incident possesses tremendous value as news and will deeply impress all church circles and women’s organizations.
- (4)
- Yesterday a Congressman, calling at the Department, showed three telegrams he had received about the trial of the three women missionaries. As these telegrams may well be the forerunner of many such messages, Congressional opinion cannot fail to be influenced by them.