611.6731/106: Telegram
The Ambassador in Turkey (Grew) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 17—10:20 a.m.]
74. My 71, May 14, 11 a.m. Regret that Patriarchic [Foreign Office?] informs me that while Under Secretary of State had definitely approved draft of note submitted by Foreign Office and had also approved insertion desired by Department’s 47, May 10, 2 p.m., the Minister for Foreign Affairs apparently had not been consulted and now objects to Department’s insertion on the ground that since modus vivendi of February 17, 1927, expires May 20, 1928, reference thereto in notes to take effect after that date is superfluous. Minister for Foreign Affairs has submitted counterdraft, which Under Secretary informs Patterson30 has already been signed by the Minister. I have an appointment with the Minister for Foreign Affairs at Angora at 5 o’clock, May 19th, so that Department’s reply should if possible be sent by radio direct to Am[erican] Embassy, Angora. In the meantime I am informed by Foreign Office that customs officials in Constantinople have been telegraphically instructed regarding promised modus vivendi.
The Minister’s counterdraft [and] also diplomatic note already approved in the following respects: Using Admiral Bristol’s note, dated July 20, 1926, as reference, [on] line 2 eliminate “ratification du traite” and insert “mise vigueur du traité de commerce”. Line 8 change “importes sur” to “importes dans”.
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- Jefferson Patterson, second secretary of Embassy in Turkey.↩