
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hammond)

No. 462

Sir: At the dinner given at the American Embassy in Paris on the night of August 26 I discussed the question of the Spanish oil monopoly with M. Briand44 and said that we were absolutely in accord with the French on this question. M. Briand said that he had appreciated our consistent attitude of energetic cooperation, but also he was glad to have this categorical assurance of its continuation. I suggested that the French had more available means of pressure on the Spanish than have we. M. Briand was not directly responsive, but confined himself to saying that the moment the Spanish knew that the American and French Governments were firmly resolved on a common line of action they (the Spanish) would see the necessity of abandoning their present indefensible attitude. M. Briand concluded by saying that he had already had indications of this.

I have informed the Embassies at London and Paris of this conversation.

I am [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg
  1. Aristide Briand, French Minister for Foreign Affairs.