352.1153 St 2/60: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hammond)
25. Your 37, March 9, 5 p.m. You should inform the Spanish Government in writing that this Government has taken due note of the contents of the Spanish note of March 6 regarding the nature of the instructions which have just been given to the Valuation Commission and that it hopes that these instructions will now enable the Commission to proceed to a prompt and satisfactory determination of the full and fair compensation for property losses to which the expropriated American companies have been subjected.
[Paraphrase.] In the opinion of the Department, useful effect would be had from delivering similar, though not identic, notes at about the same time by the American, British, and French Embassies. Accordingly, you may inform your British and French colleagues as to the nature of your reply to the Spanish note and you may use your discretion in timing submission of your reply in order to coincide with the British and French replies. [End paraphrase.]