352.1153 St 2/46: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Spain (Blair)
Washington, February 23,
1928—2 p.m.
19. The Department’s 18, February 21, 6 p.m., crossed your 28, February 21, 5 p.m.
- (1)
- Standard Oil has been informed of the encouraging assurances regarding instructions for the Valuation Commission as received from King Alfonso and Primo de Rivera. The company will probably wait for confirmation of the French Ambassador’s understanding with Primo de Rivera before again appearing before the central Valuation Commission, in spite of the ultimatum of the Finance Minister.
- (2)
- These assurances, the Department assumes, will equally apply to American oil interests. If you are at all uncertain on this point, authorization is given you to ask the Spanish Government for appropriate assurances.
- (3)
- Whether the promised instructions contemplate the Valuation Commission reexamining valuations already made or whether the Council of Ministers alone will review them has not been made clear. If the second is so, the Department might find it advisable to give Babel and Nervion’s appeal the support indicated in its 18, February 21.
You are requested to cable reply.