The Secretary of State to the Norwegian Minister (Bachke)
Sir: In compliance with the request made by you during your call at the Department on April 20, 1928, I have the honor to propose hereinbelow for the consideration of your Government an amended Article VI of the draft treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights which we are negotiating, having the purpose of incorporating in the Article the substance of the addition suggested in your Legation’s note of December 9, 1927, and accepted in my note of March 23, 1928.
The Article which I now propose is as follows, the new portion being indicated by underlining:30
Article VI
In the event of war between either High Contracting Party and a third State, such Party may draft for compulsory military service nationals of the other having a permanent residence within its territories and who have formally, according to its laws, declared an intention to adopt its nationality by naturalization, unless such individuals depart from the territories of said belligerent Party within sixty days after a declaration of war. It is agreed, however, that such right to depart shall not apply to natives of the country drafting for compulsory military service who, being nationals of the other Party, have declared an intention to adopt the nationality of their nativity. Such persons shall nevertheless be entitled in respect of this matter to treatment no less favorable than that accorded the nationals of any other country who are similarly situated.
I shall be glad to be informed whether the addition herein proposed [Page 631] to the Article correctly expresses the suggestions made in your Legation’s note.
Accept [etc.]
- Printed in italics.↩