
The Minister in Norway (Swenson) to the Secretary of State

No. 909

Sir: Adverting to the Department’s instruction No. 289 of July 28, 1926 (File No. 711.572/50) and to this Legation’s despatch No. 846, dated August 13, 1926,4 with reference to the negotiations for a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights between the United States and Norway, I have the honor to transmit herewith for the information of the Department a translation of a letter from the Norwegian Undersecretary, in which he encloses, at my request, a memorandum setting forth some of the Norwegian Government’s objections to the proposed treaty.

I have [etc.]

Laurits S. Swenson
[Page 595]

The Norwegian, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Esmarch) to the American Minister (Swenson)

Dear Minister Swenson: With reference to your conversation of the seventeenth instant with Mr. Morgenstierne,5 I have the pleasure of transmitting herewith for your information a short memorandum regarding the position of the Norwegian authorities with respect to the draft of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights between Norway and the United States.

Sincerely yours,

Aug. Esmarch


The Foreign Office has received expressions of opinion from most of the authorities interested with regard to the draft of the proposed Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights between Norway and the United States. The reason the Department is not yet ready to inform the Legation in Washington of the Norwegian Government’s position in regard to the various articles of the draft, is because the appropriate authorities are extremely loath to agree to certain provisions contained therein. This applies particularly to Article XXX, third paragraph, according to which article VII, fifth and sixth paragraphs, as well as articles IX and XI, could be denounced after one year upon three months’ notice, whereby the American Government would be able to apply differential treatment to our shipping and even levy higher customs duty on goods imported in Norwegian ships. Article XXX would, moreover, allow the United States to denounce the provisions regarding the right of Norwegian ships to domestic treatment with respect to taxes and to most favored nation treatment with respect to the coasting trade.

The Foreign Office presumably will be able in the near future to advise the Legation in Washington, which is well acquainted with the case, of the Norwegian Government’s position regarding the draft of the Treaty.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Chief of the Anglo-Saxon and Far Eastern Division, Norwegian Foreign Office.