The Ambassador in Mexico (Morrow) to
the Secretary of State
Mexico, April 3,
[Received April 10.]
No. 493
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the
Department’s telegram No. 79 of March 24, 1928, 5 P.M., relating to the
intention of the Postoffice Department of the United States to advertise
for the operation of an airmail line from Brownsville, Texas, to Mexico
City via Tampico and Veracruz, and in confirmation of my telegram No. 98
of March 31, 1928, 1 P.M.,44 I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and
translation of a communication received from the Foreign Office dated
March 31, 1928, in response to the Embassy’s representations, stating in
substance that under certain conditions the Government of Mexico
perceives no objection to the contemplated advertisements.
I have [etc.]
[Page 325]
The Mexican Acting Minister of Foreign
Affairs (Estrada) to the American
Ambassador (Morrow)
Mexico, March 31,
The Undersecretary of Foreign Relations in charge of the Ministry of
Foreign Relations presents his compliments to His Excellency the
Ambassador of the United States of America, and, with reference to
his Note Verbale No. 257 of the 27th instant, has the honor to
advise him that there is no objection whatever to the United States
Post-Office Department’s advertising for the operation of an
air-mail service from Brownsville, Texas, to Mexico City, via
Tampico and Veracruz, provided this does not imply any financial
obligation on the part of the Mexican Government for the maintenance
of said service, and that it is used merely as a means for carrying
the correspondence sent over that route.
It would be well to observe, in this respect, that the air route from
Matamoros to Tampico has been given by concession to the Compañía
Mexicana de Aviación, S. A.; that from Tampico to Tuxpam, to Mr. A.
A. Zambrano; and that from Tampico to Veracruz, to Mr. Enrique
Schoendube; therefore, only the route from Veracruz, to Mexico City
remains free from any concession.
Genaro Estrada takes the liberty to suggest to His Excellency, Mr.
Morrow, that it would be expedient for the postal authorities of the
United States of America interested in the operation of the airmail
route under reference, to get in touch with the Compañía Mexicana de
Aviación, S. A., and Messrs. Zambrano and Schoendube, with a view to
the establishment of said line.