
The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

No. 1703

Sir: I have the honor to refer to correspondence relative to the treaty, of July 25, 1928, regulating tariff relations between the United [Page 488] States of America and the Republic of China, and to enclose, for the-records of the Department, the original Full Powers, appointing Mr. T. V. Soong, Minister of Finance of the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China, as Delegate Plenipotentiary to conclude and sign the treaty. A translation of the Full Powers is likewise enclosed.

I have [etc.]

J. V. A. MacMurray

Full Powers Invested in Tse-ven Soong to Negotiate and Sign a Tariff Treaty With the United States

Whereas the Government of the United States of America has expressed its desire to conclude a new treaty with the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China concerning tariff and related matters, I, Chairman of the Nationalist Government Council of the Republic of China, hereby specially appoint T. V. Soong, Minister of Finance of the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China, as Delegate Plenipotentiary, with full powers to negotiate, and to conclude and sign a treaty, with the Delegate Plenipotentiary appointed by the Government of the United States of America. All agreements which the aforesaid Delegate Plenipotentiary shall have concluded and signed in the name of the Republic of China will be put into force when duly ratified by the Nationalist Government of Republic of China.

In witness whereof these full powers are issued to the aforesaid Delegate Plenipotentiary.

T’an Yên-k’ai

Chairman of the Nationalist Government Council
[seal of the nationalist government council]
[seal of the nationalist government of the republic of china]
Wang Chêng-t’ing

Minister for Foreign Affairs
[seal of the minister for foreign affairs]