611.9331/82: Telegram

The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State


588. Department’s 251, July 30, 6 p.m.

There was communicated to me directly, by a telegram received July 29, the English translation of Wang’s note; this translation bore no date. Vice Minister Tong has since communicated to me the Chinese version, which bears the date of July 28.
On July 27 public announcement was made in China of the conclusion of the treaty. In the meanwhile Wang must have been aware of the fact, considering that Soong took the occasion on the morning of the 26th to state to Perkins14 that the authorities at Nanking were considerably elated over it. As a matter of fact, there can be no reasonable doubt that when Wang wrote his note of July 28 he had full knowledge of the conclusion of the treaty 3 days before,…
The Nationalist Government, according to reports of local news services, had appointed Wu on July 27 as plenipotentiary to carry on negotiations in the United States for treaty revision. …
The situation is met satisfactorily, I trust, by the action reported in my 58315 and 584, July 30.
  1. Mahlon F. Perkins, counselor of Legation in China.
  2. Not printed.