875.001Zog/14: Telegram

The Minister in Albania (Hart) to the Secretary of State


56. Ahmet Zogu was proclaimed at 9 o’clock this morning as “Zog First, King of the Albanians.” It is probable that there will be no coronation and no ceremonies which might raise embarrassing questions for the diplomatic body, acting in unison here. The French Government is indicating an attitude of caution because of the title of “King of the Albanians,” while my colleagues from Yugoslavia, Turkey, Germany, and Great Britain, although without instructions, believe their Governments will for the same reason proceed slowly. Today I was confidentially informed that the Italians through Feizi Alizotti and S. Verlaci forced Zogu to change his title when they visited the palace yesterday and asserted they would resign from office and cause a scandal if Zogu persisted in using “King of Albania.”

The change of government, in my view, has been brought about in a regular manner and will be accepted by Albania.

  1. Corrected version received Sept. 8, 8:50 a.m.