The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Young) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 20.]
Sir: Confirming the Legation’s telegram No. 19 of March 8, 1928,83 I have the honor to report that an informal agreement has been reached between the Haitian Minister and the special representative of the Dominican Government, Mr. Troncoso de la Concha, as to the line which should serve as the boundaries between the following points:—In the North, from the outlet of the river Massacre to Banica, and in the South, from the outlet of the river Pedernales to Jimani.
Northern Sector
The line agreed upon starts from the outlet of the Massacre river and follows the 1912 line (American line) to the junction point of the Massacre and Capotille rivers, near Acul Parisien, thence along the Capotille river to Lamine, thence in a southerly direction to Bois Pins, thence from Bois Pins to La Miel—La Guardia Vieja—Banica.
Southern Sector
From the outlet of the Pedernales river to Cabeza del Agua, thence to Boisdon—Bois Tombe—La Guasuma—Minguet—Jimani.
The remaining section of the line (Jimani to Banica) will probably present no serious difficulties. In the somewhat lengthy conferences which I have had with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sanchez and with the Haitian Minister, both were very optimistic as to the possibility of reaching a final and complete agreement.
While the conversations between the Haitian Minister and Mr. Troncoso de la Concha are from a technical standpoint to be regarded as informal, both parties have of course frequently consulted their respective Governments, and the agreement reported above has the approval of the Chief Executives of the two countries.
The Legation is in close touch with the matter, and in a quiet and discreet manner is doing everything possible and appropriate to assist in the effecting of a final settlement of this long-standing and troublesome question. The Department will be promptly apprised, by cable and despatch, of all further developments.
In the Legation’s telegram No. 18 of February 25, 192883 through an inadvertence reference was made to Lake Enriquillo instead of Lake Saumatre.
I have [etc.]