710.1012 Washington/93
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Bading)
Sir: As the Legation is aware, circular instructions regarding invitations to foreign governments have not been carried out in respect to Ecuador due to the nonrecognition of the present regime in that country.15 In view, however, of the Department’s circular telegram of June 19, 1928, instructing you to deliver to the Ecuadoran Government the invitation quoted therein to participate in a conference on conciliation and arbitration to be held in Washington commencing December 10, 1928, you may in future deliver or extend all invitations received by the Legation under circular instructions bearing dates subsequent to the date of the circular telegram above mentioned, as well as the invitation to foreign governments to be represented at the International Conference on Civil Aeronautics communicated in circular instruction Diplomatic Serial No. 728 of June 18, 1928.16 Other circular instructions regarding the extension of invitations dated prior to June 19, 1928, may be disregarded.
I am [etc.]
- De jure recognition was extended to the regime of Dr. Ayora on August 14, 1928; see vol. ii, pp. 742 ff.↩
- Not printed. For the proceedings of the conference, see International Civil Aeronautics Conference, Washington, D. C, December 12–14, 1928, Proceedings of the Conference (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1929).↩